Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
Dean | Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
Full professor | Department of Media and Communication
More information
- M. F.A. Noon, Anne C. Kroon, Margot J. van der Goot, Rens Vliegenthart & Martine van Selm (2024) - Bias in candidate sourcing communication: Investigating stereotypical gender- and age-related frames in online job advertisements at the sectoral level - Public Relations Review, 50 (3) - doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2024.102456 - [link]
- Jacco van Sterkenburg, Marieke Delhaas & Martine van Selm (2024) - Empowering changemakers: ESHCC Societal Impact Strategy 2025-2030
- Anne Cornelia Kroon & Martine van Selm (2024) - Good Intentions Aside: Stereotype Threat in the Face of Media Strategies to Counter Age Bias - Research on Aging, 46 (9-10), 480-491 - doi: 10.1177/01640275241249117 - [link]
- Linda van den Heijkant, Martine van Selm, Iina Hellsten & Rens Vliegenthart (2023) - Framing pension reform in the news: Traditional versus social media - Communications, 48 (2), 249-272 - doi: 10.1515/commun-2021-0058 - [link]
- Martine van Selm & Linda van Heijkant (2021) - In Search of the Older Worker: Framing Job Requirements in Recruitment Advertisements - Work, Aging and Retirement, 7 (4), 288-302 - doi: 10.1093/workar/waaa026 - [link]
- Linda van Heijkant, Martine van Selm, I Hellsten & R. Vliegenthart (2019) - Intermedia Agenda Setting in a Policy Reform Debate - International Journal of Communication, 13, 1890-1912
- Martine van Selm (2019) - Jong geleerd, oud gedaan: Beeldvorming over oudere werknemers
- Martine van Selm & Natali Helberger (2019) - Talking to citizens: Qualitative interviews - [link]
- Anne Cornelia Kroon, Damian Trilling, Martine van Selm & Rens Vliegenthart (2018) - Biased media?: How news content influences age discrimination claims - European Journal of Ageing, 16, 109-119 - doi: 10.1007/s10433-018-0465-4
- AC Kroon, Martine van Selm, Claartje ter Hoeven & R Vliegenthart (2018) - Reliable and unproductive? Stereotypes of older employees in corporate and news media - Ageing and Society, 38 (1), 166-191 - doi: 10.1017/S0144686X16000982
- Martine van Selm (2021) - Good Intentions Aside: Stereotype Threat in the Face of Media Strategies to Counter Age Bias (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Martine van Selm (2021) - Framing older workers' qualities in job-ads and recruitment praxis (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Martine van Selm (2021) - Social Norms and Mental Health at Work: Potential for Boomerang Effects? (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Martine van Selm (2021) - Solidarity at stake? Consequences of media frames on support for a national pension system (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Martine van Selm (2020) - Care through digital connections. Enacting elder care through everyday information and communication technologies in Indian Transnational families (Examiner)
Activity: Examination › Academic - Martine van Selm (2020) - Framing older workers’ qualities in job advertisements and recruitment praxis (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Martine van Selm (2020) - Solidarity at stake? Consequences of media frames on support for a national pension system (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Martine van Selm (2020) - Amsterdam Lezing 2020 - Digital Society and Older Workers (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Martine van Selm (2020) - Career evaluation academic staff Communication Science (External organisation) (Member)
Activity: Membership of committee › Academic - Martine van Selm (2020) - Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities (EGSH) (External organisation) (Member)
Activity: Membership of board › Academic
- Martine van Selm (2021) - Werkgevers weten beter – Beeldvorming 50+ werknemers. Goldschmeding Foundation
- Martine van Selm (2020) - Data collection grant for project for pre-study ‘Algorithm bias in online employer communication'
- Martine van Selm (2018) - NWO Westerdijk Talent Scheme
- Martine van Selm (2018) - Data collection grant for project ‘Communication Intervention Countering the old employee stereotype’
- Martine van Selm (2017) - Data collection grant for project ‘Communication networks of stakeholders in the debate on retirement age in The Netherlands’
- Martine van Selm (2016) - Data collection grant for project ‘Feasibility of the Active Aging Workplace Intervention: balancing costs and rewards’
- Martine van Selm (2014) - Data collection grant for international comparative project ‘Do national employment policies construct the overall image of older workers?’
- Martine van Selm (2005) - Research Support for ‘Portrayal of the elderly in Dutch Commercials’
- Martine van Selm (2003) - Funding data collection ‘Cross media production of television programs’
- Martine van Selm (2000) - Grant for organizing and chairing an international meeting with experts in the field of new media research methods at the First Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AOIR)
- Martine van Selm (1995) - Dr. I.B. Frye Stipendium
Master Thesis
- Year Level
- MA, MA, MA, MA, MA
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM5000
Media and Business Transformations
- Level
- MA
- Year Level
- MA
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM4101
Communication Management
- Level
- BA-2
- Year Level
- BA-2
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM2010
Master Thesis Project
- Year Level
- MA, MA, MA, MA, MA
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM5050
Communication and Organizations
- Year Level
- BA-1, Pre-master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM1014