Gui Liberali is the full Professor of Digital Marketing at Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) of the Erasmus University. He holds a doctorate in marketing and a B.Sc. in computer science. His work has appeared on Marketing Science, Management Science, International Journal of Marketing Research, Sloan Management Review, and European Journal of Operational Research. His research interests include optimal learning, multi-armed bandits, digital experimentation, morphing theory and applications (e.g., website morphing, ad morphing), dynamic programming, machine learning, and product line optimization. Personal webpage: For more details on professional experience, education, and latest news please visit my linkedin page at
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
More information
- Gui Liberali, Eric Boersma, Hester Lingsma, Jasper Brugts, Diederik Dippel, Jan Tijssen & John Hauser (2025) - Real-time adaptive randomization of clinical trials - Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 178 - doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2024.111612 - [link]
- Kay Giesecke , Gui Liberali, Hamid Nazerzadeh , J. George Shanthikumar & CP (Chung-Piaw) Teo (2022) - Introduction to the Special Section on Data-Driven Prescriptive Analytics - Management Science, 68 (3), 1591-1594 - doi: 10.1287/mnsc.2021.4296
- Gui Liberali & Alina Ferecatu (2022) - Morphing for Consumer Dynamics: Bandits Meet Hidden Markov Models - Marketing Science, 41 (4), 341-366 - doi: 10.1287/mksc.2021.1346 - [link]
- K Giesecke, Gui Liberali, H Nazerzadeh, G Shanthikumar & CP (Chung-Piaw) Teo (2018) - Special Issue on Data-Driven Prescriptive Analytics - Management Science, 64 (6), 2972-2972 - doi: 10.1287/mnsc.2018.3120 - [link]
- Gui Liberali (2018) - Learning with a purpose: the balancing acts of machine learning and individuals in the digital society - [link]
- Gui B. Liberali, John R. Hauser & Glen L. Urban (2017) - Morphing theory and applications - doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-56941-3_18 - [link]
- Gui Liberali, E Muller, RT Rust & Stefan Stremersch (2015) - Introduction to the IJRM Special Issue on Marketing and Innovation - International Journal of Research in Marketing, 32 (3), 235-237 - doi: 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2015.08.001
- Gui Liberali (2014) - Morphing advertising to improve online campaign success - RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 20 (4), 12-14 - [link]
- G Urban, Gui Liberali, R Bordley, E Macdonald & J Hauser (2014) - Morphing Banner Advertising - Marketing Science, 33 (1), 27-46 - doi: 10.1287/mksc.2013.0803 - [link]
- J Hauser, Gui Liberali & G Urban (2014) - Website Morphing 2.0: Technical and Implementation Advances and a Field Experiment - Management Science, 60 (6), 1594-1616 - doi: 10.1287/mnsc.2014.1961 - [link]
- Gui Liberali (2025) - Marketing Science (Journal) (Member of editorial board)
Activity: Editorial work › Academic - Gui Liberali (2018) - Management Science (Journal) (Guest Editor)
Activity: Editorial work › Academic - Gui Liberali (2014) - International Journal of Research in Marketing (Journal) (Guest Editor)
Activity: Editorial work › Academic
- G (Gui) Liberali (2019) - 2019 Long Term Impact Award - Finalist
- G (Gui) Liberali (2018) - 2018 Long Term Impact Award - Finalist
- G (Gui) Liberali (2017) - 2017 Long Term Impact Award - Finalist
- Gui Liberali (2016) - Research & development grant - Takeoff studies - Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO)
- Gui Liberali (2013) - Top Talent Researcher, Erasmus School of Economics 2013
- Gui Liberali (2010) - John D.C. Little Best Paper Award - Finalist
- Gui Liberali (2010) - Salary Grant (Two Years) - Marie Curie Actions - European Comission
- Gui Liberali (2009) - Emerald Group Citation of Excellence, top 50 of 15000 Papers in Management Journals
- Start date approval
- January 2024
- End date approval
- January 2027
- Place
- Description
Hyper Morphing Technologies
- Start date approval
- March 2024
- End date approval
- March 2027
- Place
Reinforcement Learning
- Level
- Master
- Year Level
- Master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- TIF20204
Reinforcement Learning
- Level
- Master
- Year Level
- Master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- TIC10204
Learning from big data
- Year Level
- bachelor 3, bachelor, bachelor 3
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- B3MIN1039