(Gerrit) GH van Bruggen


Gerrit van Bruggen is a professor of marketing at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). Professor van Bruggen's primary research interest lies in strategic marketing issues and the impact of information technology and information systems on marketing strategy and decision making. His research has been published in the field’s leading scientific journals including Marketing Science, the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research and Interfaces. He is a regular speaker at international management conferences and an experienced teacher at the executive level. He is a former visiting scholar at the Smeal College of Business Administration at Pennsylvania State University in the US. Professor van Bruggen has a PhD in marketing from Erasmus University Rotterdam and an MSc in agricultural economics specialising in marketing and operations research from Wageningen University.

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Full professor | Department of Marketing Management
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • Rob van Tulder, Maarten Boksem, Ale Smidts, Harwin de Vries, Pursey Heugens, Gerrit van Bruggen, Wolf Wagner, Aurelie Lemmens, Julija Mell, Rommert Dekker & Hang Chan (1 December 2021) - ERIM recognises outstanding researchers with annual awards

  • Gerrit Bruggen (2007) - Data Issues in B-to-B Research
  • Gerrit Bruggen (2007) - International Journal of Research in Marketing (Journal)
  • Gerrit Bruggen (2005) - Decision Sciences (Journal)
  • Gerrit Bruggen (1996) - Heuristics and Decision Biases, the Compensating Role of an MDSS
  • Gerrit Bruggen (1996) - The Impact of Internet on Marketing Channels
  • Gerrit Bruggen (1996) - Databases and B-to-B Relationships
  • Gerrit Bruggen (1996) - Perspectives on Relationship Management Systems
  • Gerrit Bruggen (1996) - Marketing Management Support Systems
  • Gerrit Bruggen (1996) - Power and information in marketing channels

  • Gerrit van Bruggen (2022) - EMAC Distinguished Marketing Scholar Award
  • Ralf van der Lans & Gerrit van Bruggen (2014) - Wetenschapsprijs van het Jaar 2014
  • Berend Wierenga, Kristine de Valck & Gerrit van Bruggen (2013) - Winner of 17th Emerald Annual Citation of Excellence Awards, for paper

Marketing Management

Year Level
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Marketing Management PT

Year Level
Course Code

  • Bart de Langhe

    Contingencies: Learning Numerical and Emotional Associations in an Uncertain World
  • Francesca Sotgiu

    Not All Promotions are Made Equal: From the Effects of a Price War to Cross-chain Cannibalization
  • Steven Sweldens

    Evaluative Conditioning 2.0: Direct versus Associative Transfer of Affect to Brands
  • Elfriede Krauth

    Real-time Planning Support: A Task-technology Fit Perspective
  • Mirdita Elstak

    Flipping the Identity Coin: The Comparative Effect of Perceived, Projected and Desired Organizational Identity on Organizational Identification and Desired Behavior
  • Eline de Vries-van Ketel

    How Assortment Variety Affects Assortment Attractiveness: A Consumer Perspective
  • Niek Althuizen

    Analogical Reasoning as a Decision Support Principle for Weakly-Structured Marketing Problems
  • Willem Smit

    Market Information Sharing in Channel Relationships Its Nature, Antecedents, and Consequences
  • Dennis Fok

    Advanced Econometric Marketing Models
  • Guido Berens

    Corporate Branding: The Development of Corporate associations and their Influence on Stakeholder Reactions
  • Kristine de Valck

    Virtual Communities of Consumption: Networks of Consumer Knowledge and Companionship
  • Evsen Korkmaz

    Bridging Models and Business: Understanding heterogeneity in hidden drivers of customer purchase behavior
  • Baris Depecik

    Revitalizing Brand and Brand Portfolios: Essays on Brand and Brand Portfolio Management Strategies
  • Liselore Berghman

    Strategic Innovation Capacity. A mixed method study on deliberate strategic learning mechanisms
  • Jaco Appelman

    Governance of Global Interorganizational Tourism Networks; Changing forms of co-ordination between the travel agency and aviation sector
  • Pinar Cankurtaran

    Essays on Accelerated Product Development
  • Ezgi Akpinar

    Consumer Information Sharing: Understanding Psychological Drivers of Social Transmission
  • Irma Borst

    Understanding Crowdsourcing: Effects of motivation and rewards on participation and performance in voluntary online activities
  • Thomas Eichentopf

    Marketing under the influence of macroeconomic instability
  • Zeynep Aydin

    Mobile Consumers and Applications: Essays on Mobile Marketing
  • Elisa Maira

    Consumers and Producers
  • Anna Petruchenya

    Essays on Cooperatives:Emergence, Retained Earnings, and Market Shares
  • Weiyi Deng

    Exploring the dynamics and features of interpersonal influence in new product diffusion
  • Martina Pocchiari

    Managing Successful and Resilient Shared-Interest Communities: The role of digitization technologies and disruptive events
  • Miriam Pocock

    Status Inequalities in Business Exchange Relations in Luxury Markets
  • Linda van Rijn

    Project Linda van Rijn
  • Esther Eijlers

    Emotional Experience and Advertising Effectiveness: On the use of EEG in marketing
  • Marina Lenkovskaya

    Doctoral Research in Marketing (Marketing Science, Consumer Behaviour or Consumer Neuroscience
  • Ting-Yi Lin

    Doctoral Research in Marketing (Marketing Science, Consumer Behaviour or Consumer Neuroscience
  • Catalina Ratala

    Behavioural and Neural Evidence for Processes Underlying Biases in Decision-Making
  • Silviu Horia Tierean

    Mind the Gap: The role of psychic distance and supplier’s reputation in international buyer-supplier relationships
  • Linda van Rijn

    Efficient Resource Management to Scale-Up Family Planning Outreach Service Delivery

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