The work and learning results of the 'clinical challenge tool' in Medicine Bachelor 3

CLI Fellowship of Jurgen Damen

Teaching clinical skills in the Bachelor of Medicine has a prominent place. These students have limited contact with pathological sounds. This is why Erasmus MC uses the innovative Clinical Challenge app.

Jurgen Damen researched how the learning analytics of this app relate to the learning outcomes of the students. He investigated whether the learning analytics can help teachers to realise adaptive education. In addition, he investigated whether this educational innovation can be used as a testing instrument in the skills test. Here, students take an aptitude test before entering the clinical phase.

In memoriam
On 28 September, our colleague Jurgen Damen tragically lost his life while doing what he passionately believed in: teaching. Our thoughts are and stay with everyone at work and at home who have to cope with this huge loss.

We, the Community for Learning & Innovation (CLI) team, knew Jurgen as a smart innovator, who as a CLI Fellow developed and researched the Clinical Challenge app for simulating sounds in clinical research. Jurgen's enthusiasm made every conversation about his project an inspiring experience. His role in medical skills education went hand in hand with his central position in the Erasmusarts 2030 innovation project. Jurgen's innovativeness remains an example and a source of inspiration for us.

Dr. Jurgen Damen
Jurgen Damen was a general practitioner and coordinator of the clinical skills program at Erasmus MC. His teaching focus was on history taking, physical examination and clinical reasoning in small groups, in both bachelor's and master's degrees in medicine.
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