Successful appreciation brunch for supporting staff

On Thursday 13 June 2013 a number of Erasmus School of Economics employees together with colleagues from various supporting services and companies enjoyed an extensive brunch organised by the Erasmus School of Economics. This brunch was organised already for the fourth time.

The main purpose of this 'appreciation brunch' was to express the great appreciation of all Erasmus School of Economics personnel for the daily efforts of all the employees of the support services and companies. 

The invited guests included the employees of the Erasmus Facility Center (EFB), Van de Wetering (Facilitaire Diensten), the EUR Post & Logistics, security staff, GOM cleaning firm, Albron catering firm and coffee company Autobar. A number of Erasmus School of Economics employees were the hosts at the event. Head of Dean’s Office, Margaretha Buurman spoke on behalf of the Erasmus School of Economics and thanked all the guests for their efforts and involvement.

The seventy guests enjoyed a wonderful brunch in Siena Grand Café on the ground floor of the H-building. The brunch took place between 10:30 and 11:30.

Photo impression

An impression of the event can be viewed at the photogallery of the appreciation brunch.

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