The Community for Learning & Innovation (CLI) gives lecturers from Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) the opportunity to apply for a fellowship. With this fellowship, they research educational innovation, or carry out an educational project.
On this page you can read more about Floor van Rosse's (Erasmus MC) CLI Fellowship about effective study strategies for medicine students.
Floor's department started a project called “this week’s medicine”: A series of short video lectures about individual medicines. They developed these lectures to offer attractive and manageable pieces of knowledge, aiming to eventually improve medication-knowledge among medical students. Both students and lecturers are enthusiastic about the video lectures, but they actually do not know how they can best be placed in the curriculum and studied by students to have an optimal knowledge transfer; neither do we know whether they lead to improved knowledge and prescribing skills.
This CLI research project started with an explorative and partly qualitative study investigating study-strategies that students use, and finding out which strategies seem most effective by observing correlations between strategies and outcomes like test results and prescribing skills. With the most effective study-strategies they performed an experimental study where outcomes like test-results were compared between intervention and control students.

Read more about the deliverables of Floor's CLI Fellowship in this article (Dutch). Especially nice is that this article was among the best-read SURF articles of 2022.
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Floor van Rosse studied Biomedical sciences at Utrecht University. During her BSc she learned that her future ambition wasn’t working in a lab, so she chose a MSc in Epidemiology and graduated in 2009 in clinical epidemiology as well as in infectious disease- and pharmaco-epidemiology. From 2009-2014, Floor was a PhD candidate at the AMC department of Public Health in collaboration with the department of Public and Occupational health of EMGO+ Institute/VUmc. She studied ethnic inequalities in patient safety in Dutch hospital care, and conducted quantitative as well as qualitative research. During her PhD-period she found out that she liked teaching and educational development a lot. Since September 2014 she is working in the pharmacy department at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam as a teacher and educational coordinator. Since 2017 she is appointed as assistant professor and is currently developing a research line on pharmacotherapy education.
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