The Lithuanian Deividas received a scholarship that enabled him to study Business Administration at RSM. He is crazy about food and cooking, and is determined to follow this passion in his future career.
Deividas Latyšovič (20) studies International Business Administration at Erasmus. Also bakes croissants on Mondays and Tuesdays.
I like that feeling when you figure out how something works, when your mind makes connections between two very different things. I mostly apply it in the kitchen, a place where I’m fascinated by many things. Can we make something taste like chicken? Is potato a flavor or a texture? But I would really like to expand my mindset, from an information and knowledge point of view, and make more connections to the outside world.
“I want to create a type of food that will speak to the inner child of my guests.”
Inner child
After I graduate, I want to create a type of food that will speak to the inner child of my guests. It should excite that emotion. If someone in a business suit has eaten in my restaurant and walks out the door smiling, because they have experienced their 15-year-old self again, then I will be satisfied.

My scholarship enables me to pursue that dream. It gives me a boost of confidence. I’m not the most confident person, but I do believe that if the scholarship committee thinks I’m good enough, then I am actually good enough. I can take on the world and build the culinary experience that I want.
Of course, to be able to study at EUR, and to live in the Netherlands, you need financial support. My scholarship has made studying at RSM possible, for which I’m grateful. But the other thing that it helped me with, is the people that I’ve met during my studies at RSM. They’ve encouraged me to push my limits, to think outside the box and to find new ways for doing things other than standard or boring approaches.
"RSM has encouraged me to push my limits, to think outside the box and to find new ways for doing things other than standard or boring approaches."
Universal food
As a Lithuanian, I will probably draw from my own childhood to create culinary experiences. However, I want to discover whether it is possible to expand from the Lithuanian culture into something different, something universal. To see if I can activate that same childhood experience and emotion in every person. Maybe even someone from Brazil. It would be difficult, but not impossible.
A scholarship is a gift of time. To someone who donates, a few hundred euro’s might be a fun trip somewhere, but to someone else it enables the possibility to study, educate themselves and to learn to think autonomously while they are still young. Therefore, it’s worth it to consider donating. Because it gives the scholarship-receiver the opportunity to be in an environment where they not only focus on, but can even celebrate education.’
- More information
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