On Monday, 6 November 2023, Nobel Prize laureate Guido Imbens was welcomed to Rotterdam with a symbolic flag-raising moment at the Flag Parade on the Boompjesboulevard along the Nieuwe Maas, between the De Boeg monument and the foot of the Erasmus Bridge
Guest of honour during 110th birthday celebration
This week, Guido Imbens is guest of honour during the 110th birthday celebration of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Imbens who studied Econometrics at Erasmus School of Economics, is a professor at the prestigious Stanford Graduate School of Business.

In 2021, he received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences along with his colleague Joshua Angrist for their research in the mid-1990s into the possibility of so-called natural experiments to explain causal connections. On Wednesday, 8 November 2023, Guido Imbens will receive an honorary doctorate on the recommendation of Erasmus School of Economics.
Besides Imbens, chairman of the Flag Parade Hans den Oudendammer, Bas van der Klaauw (General Director of Amsterdam-Rotterdam Consortium for Graduate Education), Ronald de Groot and Kees van den Heuvel (both Erasmus School of Economics) were present at the symbolic flag-raising moment.
The flag Parade
The flag Parade is an initiative by the Stichting Vlaggenparade Rotterdam. It is an outdoor museum that exhibits 230 flags side by side. There are 193 national flags to welcome the 193 nationalities who live in or are visiting the city or harbour. There is a flag for everyone who lives in, works in or visits Rotterdam. The remaining flagpoles are reserved for City of Rotterdam flags. Theme flags, such as the one in honour of Guido Imbens, are flown during festivals and other regional, national or international events. The flag parade is made possible with financial support of the Rotterdam city council, contributions from the founding members, sponsors and representatives from a charity foundation.
- More information
For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Media & Public Relations officer at Erasmus School of Economics: rdegroot@ese.eur.nl, +31 6 53 641 846