Professor Lucas Meijs gives tips on getting started with volunteering

Cycling through the centre of Rotterdam.

Many people want to volunteer but feel a barrier to start. For example, because they think it takes a lot of time. Lucas Meijs, professor of strategic philanthropy and volunteering at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, gives tips in newspaper de Volkskrant for busy people who want to start volunteering.

The tips:

  1. Don't commit immediately, but start slowly
  2. Where to start? Ask your friends
  3. Choose something that suits you
  4. Combine it with a social activity
  5. Do not hesitate to stop

Lucas Meijs advises: 'Ask yourself: am I choosing something as an extension of my job or am I looking for something to compensate?’ In the first category, you might think of the accountant who is active as treasurer at the local association. ‘But someone with an office job can also look for something outdoors'.

You can also combine volunteering with a social activity. 'I always celebrate my birthday with family and friends at Stichting Jarige Job in Rotterdam,' says Meijs. 'We pack boxes there for children who have no money to celebrate their birthday.' Or don't go to a restaurant with your network or year club for once, but spend an evening helping at the food bank. 'Collecting as a family can also be fun,' says Meijs. 'That way, volunteering does not come at the expense of your free time, but you make it quality time.'

More information

Read the whole article in de Volkskrant

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