Professor Jacques van Doorn Chair & Fellowship: tribute to founder ESSB

Rick Keus

In 2012, in collaboration with the NIAS-KNAW, ESSB introduced a chair & fellowship as a tribute to its founder and first dean, Professor Jacques van Doorn. Van Doorn was a leading sociologist in the period after the Second World War. He had a great impact on Dutch sociology and his work was crucial for the growth of sociology in Rotterdam. 

Urban and migration sociologist Professor Jan Rath from the University of Amsterdam will be the fifth professor to occupy the Van Doorn chair & NIAS fellowship. He has been appointed for the period 1 February – 1 July 2022. 

Jan Rath: "Rotterdam is the place where I was born and raised, where I lived for a long time and did a lot of research. I am very fond of the city and the university and am extremely honoured by the appointment. Over the coming months, I will be studying the effect of gentrification and the distribution of new middle class in specific districts in Rotterdam and elsewhere. I will particularly be looking at consumption patterns and how people spend their leisure time. The latter not only affects how city dwellers see themselves in relation to others but also their sense of place and belonging. This is a topical theme, because it ultimately concerns the right to the city for everyone. I look forward to the next five months and meeting colleagues and students at EUR and NIAS to explore this further!"  

Find out more about Van Doorn Chair & Fellowship at 

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