Prof. Lindenbergh about compensation for pain and suffering: 'The largest gains are in recognition of the suffering'


In the last years, judges find that these compensation amounts in The Netherlands have been on the same level for too long. Recently, there have been granted amounts from 200.000 to 250.000 euros.

Prof. Siewert Lindenbergh thinks this is a positive change. "The largest gains can be yielded in recognition of the suffering and valuation of the suffering in money. Judges have been modest for too long. They realize that they need to live with the times and want to show that." Besides, prof. Lindenbergh was on the BNR News Radio, where he also spoke about compensation for pain and suffering. 


Siewert Lindenbergh (Middelburg, 1964) studied at Knox College in Galesburg (USA) in 1983-1984 and received his degree in law in 1990 at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands. From 1991 to 2005 he was university lecturer and after finishing his doctoral thesis in 1998 (on non-pecuniary damages, cum laude) he was appointed senior university lecturer at the University of Leiden. In 2002 Siewert Lindenbergh was visiting professor at the University of Gent (Belgium). Since 2005 he holds tenure in civil law at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. He mainly publishes in the field of tort law, damages and industrial accidents and is a member of the editorial boards of several legal periodicals in The Netherlands. In addition to his academic work, Siewert Lindenbergh also serves as a deputy judge in the district courts of Haarlem and The Hague and in the superior court of Arnhem-Leeuwarden. Furthermore, he teaches many courses to practicing lawyers.

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