Peter Goos has been awarded the "Statistics in Chemistry Award" for his article "A general strategy for analyzing data from split-plot and multistratum experimental designs", co-authored with Steven Gilmour, and published in "Technometrics".
The Statistics in Chemistry Award was established by the American Statistical Association's Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences to recognize outstanding collaborative endeavors between statisticians and chemists. The award was presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings on Saturday August 3, in Montreal, Canada.
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Peter Goos is a part-time professor Statistics in Marketing in the department Business Economics at Erasmus School of Economics. Peter Goos combines this part-time professorship with a position as full professor at the Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science of the Faculty of Applied Economics of the University of Antwerp, where he teaches probability theory and statistics to bachelor students in business economics, commercial engineering, socio-economic sciences and mathematics.