For many people, being discriminated against, because of ethnicity or background or sexual orientation for instance, is still part of their daily lives.
The new SSH sector plans consist of a sector plan for Social Sciences, for Humanities, and a theme that cuts through SSH, which represents all 4 SSH sectors
The National Economics Olympiad is an event that is organised by study association AEclipse. It took place on Friday 10 March 2023 at the headquarters..
The research will analyse the perceived legitimacy and fairness of the EU return policies, in the eyes of relevant actors in source and transit countries.
Casper de Vries, Professor Emeritus of Monetary Economics at Erasmus School of Economics, discusses the monetary and fiscal policy of the European Central Bank.
In December 2022 the HORIZON funded project ASCERTAIN (Affordability and Sustainability improvements through new pricing, Cost- Effectiveness and Reimbursement