The Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam announces the appointment of David Dodman as general director of IHS.
Marianne van Woerkom, prof of positive organisational psychology, explains on that you do not have to travel far to experience that real holiday feeling.
On Tuesday 3 May, 56 first-year students from Erasmus School of Economics were congratulated during the school’s annual Bachelor-1 year Cum Laude Ceremony.
Communicatie is key, ook in ICT-projecten. Maar hoe zit het eigenlijk met taalgebruik, framing en bias? Lees ons blog over de zeggingskracht van (project)taal!
Researchers Moniek and Esther, along with Micky from the Dutch Media Literacy Network, talk about how they teach young people about the impact of social media.