Policy to prevent the coronavirus from spreading is often presented as a trade-off between the healthcaresector and the economy. But is this really true?
An Interactive webinar on “Sustainable and Just Cities” was organized by the Vital Cities & Citizens (VCC) initiative of EUR on 19 November 2020. We invited
Zouhair Hammana, doctoral candidate within the Erasmus Initiative Vital Cities and Citizens, studies how secondary school teachers cope with diversity.
In a monthly interview series, the Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity Initiative will turn the spotlights on their PhD candidates. This edition: Heleen Tiemersma.
Marieke Buijs is the very first winner of the new Hermes Kring London Thesis Prize. Her master's thesis “Nudging in tax law: A push in the right direction?” was…
The monthly Open Stage Night by Studium Generale and ESN Rotterdam. Music, Spoken word, everything is possible as long as it fits at the Erasmus Paviljoen.