Following our call for people to take part in our teachEUR contest, ten lecturers have submitted a total of fifteen teaching activities in recent weeks.
The teachEUR panel met on 29 March to determine which contributor will win a day in a Wikkelhuisje. Jordie van der Burgt (student and S4S chair), Floor van Rosse (EUC assistant professor) and Janneke de Jong (ESSB education specialist) voted unanimously for ESPhil lecturer Catherine Koekoek’s ‘walking thinking’ teaching activity. Walking, observing and learning are key to this teaching method and it can be used on a broad scale.
Here are a few responses from the panel:
“I thought it was one of the most surprising entries. You process the subject matter differently if you’re in a different room. There’s evidence for this.”
“I loved this one straight away. I think it’s incredibly good that moving, being outside and learning merge in this teaching activity. I’ll be sending my students outside straight away next week.”
What are Catherine’s experiences with this teaching method? Did the students enjoy it?
I think they enjoyed it! Some students found it a breath of fresh air to concentrate on their bodies and movement and not only on texts and arguments. Other students found that more difficult.
When will this teaching method be available on teachEUR?
The ‘Walking thinking’ teaching activity will be developed together with Catherine and will be posted on teachEUR this month. The other submissions will all be added on teachEUR over the course of this year. This will enable the platform to grow.
Movement and learning; the panel just loved it! And therefore this call for more: Are you or do you know a lecturer who uses movement in their teaching? Let us know and bring more movement to teachEUR.