Loving leadership in business can offer many extras, according to Harry Commandeur and Paul van Geest. They talk about their book 'Agape | Caritas in bedrijf' …
TeachEUR is expanding. With almost a year of online education behind us, we’re curious about the new online teaching method that have emerged. Share your…
The European Commission has awarded postdoctoral researcher Renske Stans and Assistant Professor Matthijs Korevaar of Erasmus School of Economics a Marie
In an article from Bisdom Rotterdam, results of research of Fiona Nieuwenhuis were highlighted. The results gave more insight in the cohesion of the Roman
An International Review Committee, concluded that the research group Public Administration of the ESSB is one of the world’s most influential research groups in…
According to André den Exter, associate professor of Health Law at Erasmus School of Law, vaccination should remain a voluntary choice, but it is possible to…
Arjen Schep, professor by special appointment of Local Government Taxes at Erasmus School of Law, in TV program Kassa about the WOZ valuation problems.
Ruben Houweling, professor of employment law at Erasmus School of Law, provides a legal context for the discussion about the use of non-competition clauses in…