Would you like to spend a day in a Wikkelhuis? Send us your teaching activity!

TeachEUR is expanding and aims to be a source of inspiration for lecturers as well as by lecturers. With almost a year of online education behind us, we’re curious about the new online teaching activities that have emerged.

Did you try something new online or have you developed a great adaptation of an existing teaching activity? If so, please send these to us to make sure that your teaching activities takes pride of place on teachEUR. And who knows, you may win a day out in a Wikkelhuis to work in peace and quiet, enjoy some me-time, or just gaze out of the window.

Do you want to participate?

Send an e-mail before March 22nd to cli@eur.nl with a short description of your teaching activity (3 lines will do), whether it can be used online/offline/hybrid and which (online) tools are needed. And please mention how we can get in touch with you in case we have questions.

Conditions for taking part

All submissions received prior to 22 March 2021 will be presented to our panel, which comprises a lecturer, an educationalist and a student. The names of the panel members will be announced by the end of February. Only Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus MC lecturers can take part. CLI employees are excluded from participation. The winner will win a day in the Wikkelhuis of their choice and the journey is also included.

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