Supported by the CLI, ESHCC is piloting teaching with case-studies. The #Burnberry case used in the Corporate Communication course is a good example of case…
Professor Xandra Kramer, Erasmus School of Law, and Dr Antoinette Maassen van den Brink, Erasmus MC, have both been awarded a Vici grant worth 1.5 million euros
Are big data and technological innovations in healthcare exclusively convenient, or complicated too? Prof.dr. Antoinette de Bont does research into the…
Ik ben ook de man die ze een vreemde taal laat leren die ze moeten gebruiken in dit nieuwe land en in mijn hart ben ik een historicus die zoekt naar de nuance…
Integration of migrants is an elusive process that does not allow linear planning or influencing. This is the idea put forward by Warda Belabas in her thesis.
Tom Mom researches workplace camaraderie. What has he discovered? Friendship among co-workers is important, but there’s a tipping point. “It should not result in
On Monday, 17 February, the Minister for Education, Culture and Science, Ingrid van Engelshoven, visited EUR to discuss how to improve the emotional wellbeing…