Little evidence that people will stop driving cars

Giuliano Mingardo

Car drivers are experiencing more and more drawbacks. Think of the expensive gasoline prices, high taxes, car jams and more. Still, there is little evidence that people will stop driving their cars, researcher Giuliano Mingardo explains in Trouw, 30 September 2023. Mingardo is senior researcher Urban, Port and Transport Economics at Erasmus School of Economics.

With the coming elections in November and the rising climate awareness, more and more climate interest groups are advocating for alternative mobility schemes to cars. However, Mingardo considers it unlikely that people will get rid of their car, despite how expensive and polluting it is. He explains that there is no evidence on younger generations wanting to discard their cars. Additionally, Mingardo is unaware of any car manufacturer planning on producing fewer cars.

Still, Mingardo is hopeful about another trend. Even if people decide not to discard their cars, he does believe there is a chance people will use their cars less. He also points out that owning a car is not the main problem: ‘It's about use, not possession.’

Giuliano Mingardo, Senior researcher Urban and Transport Economics
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