Jacco van Sterkenburg gives master class on media, leadership, and inclusion on rest day Euro 2024 in Germany

Portrait picture of Jacco van Sterkenburg

Jacco van Sterkenburg, associate professor of racism and inclusion in football, has been invited to deliver a masterclass at the Hamburg Sports Summit in Germany on Wednesday 3 July. On this rest day of the European Championship, Van Sterkenburg will cover the topics of media, leadership and racial and gender inclusion in football.

The Hamburg Sports Summit provides a major, international stage for Van Sterkenburg's research and ideas on progressive change in the world of football. He is representing Erasmus University Rotterdam at the event, which will also feature several prominent and impactful speakers from the football world from UEFA, players' union FIFPRO, several professional football clubs and various sports media.

Van Sterkenburg's endowed chair 'race, inclusion and communication in relation to football' at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC) is a collaboration with anti-discrimination organisation Fare, FIFPRO and UEFA. They are committed to the issue of anti-racism and inclusion in football.

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