It takes two: the role of co-regulation in building students’ self-regulated learning skills

CLI Fellowship of Léonie Ridderstap
Léonie Ridderstap

The Community for Learning & Innovation (CLI) gives lecturers from Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) the opportunity to apply for a fellowship. With this fellowship, they research educational innovation, or carry out an educational project.
On this page you can read more about the CLI Fellowship of Léonie Ridderstap (ESHCC) about the role of co-regulation in building students’ self-regulated learning skills.

Effective study behaviours are crucial to academic success but in order to become a self-regulated learner, students need support, both in the classroom and during self-study. The purpose of this research project is to investigate how students’ study behaviour can be supported. The current project investigates whether co-regulation - by offering several sources of support in the learning environment - encourages students to become self-regulated learners. Findings contribute to lecturer professionalisation activities and the development of design principles for the effective instructional support of self-regulated learning.

Léonie Ridderstap
Léonie Ridderstap is a Learning & Innovation Consultant at the ESHCC and an educational researcher. She provides didactical expertise to ESHCC’s lecturers and school management on educational innovation, and works closely with teaching staff to design, develop and implement educational interventions. As CLI Fellow, Léonie researches the role of co-regulation in building students’ self-regulated learning skills.
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