Inequality at primary schools

Algemeen Dagblad
Bastian Ravesteijn, researcher at ESE.

Bastian Ravesteijn, Assistant Professor of Applied Economics at Erasmus School of Economics, gave his take on inequality in primary schools in Utrecht in an article in the AD. What factors are causing this?

In Utrecht, there appears to be a large divide between rich and poor in primary schools. A large divide is visible between children with practically educated parents versus children with theoretically educated parents. The Utrecht municipality now hopes, by setting up a central registration procedure, to counter this divide. According to Ravesteijn, priority rules are also an important factor reinforcing the dichotomy. For instance, siblings have priority or there is a priority scheme based on location. His research also showed that neighbourhoods in Utrecht are highly segregated. Because people then choose a school in the neighbourhood, the schools are almost automatically segregated as well. 

The Kansenkaart created by Ravesteijn and his colleague clearly shows the income differences at primary school.

Assistant professor
Bastian Ravesteijn, Assistant Professor of Applied Economics at Erasmus School of Economics
More information

You can download the full article from Algemeen Dagblad, 25 May 2024, above.
You can visit the Kansenkaart here.

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