In 2021, 82% of the peer-reviewed articles by EUR and EMC authors were published open access. Compared to 50% in 2015, this is a huge increase over the last few years. Every year, the university library measures how many peer-reviewed journal articles published by researchers from Erasmus University and Erasmus MC are available open access.
Erasmus University strives for a publication climate in which academic authors publish fully open access. For academic journal articles (peer reviewed), this is improving every year due to the increasing awareness among researchers and the efforts of the university library in entering into agreements with publishers that offer free publication to EUR and EMC researchers. The biggest recent game changers have been the inclusion of Open Science within the framework of Recognition and Rewards and the implementation of the Open Access Regulation.
Open Access Regulation at EUR
Based on section 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act (also known as the Taverne Amendment), the Open Access Regulation facilitates researchers in making their short academic work publicly available in the Erasmus Research Portal six months after the first (online) publication. The regulation has entered into force at Erasmus University as of December 2021, but due to the retroactive force of the Taverne Amendment, its effect can already be seen for publication year 2021. This has led to 95% of the peer-reviewed journal articles published in 2021 at Erasmus University being available open access. Erasmus MC is planning to facilitate exercising the Taverne Amendment and is currently working on its implementation.

- More information
There are multiple ways for EUR and EMC researchers to make their work available in open access. Do you want to know more about other Open Access options? Visit Open Access at EUR or check out the Open Access flowchart.