Implementing new weblectures and webinars in the Bachelor's programme of Medicine

CLI Fellowship Gijs Elshout
Gijs Elshout

The Community for Learning & Innovation (CLI) gives lecturers from Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) the opportunity to apply for a fellowship. With this fellowship, they research educational innovation, or carry out an educational project.
On this page you can read more about Gijs Elshout's (Erasmus MC) CLI Fellowship about how to implement new weblectures and webinars in the Bachelor of Medicine.

Gijs Elshout received a CLI-fellowship to implement new weblectures and webinars in the Bachelor’s programme of Medicine. In these lectures, comprehensive overviews of the previous studied medical themes will be provided. In the webinars, clinical cases will be discussed with medical specialists and general practitioners in order to teach medical students the different approaches of the various doctors and their considerations in these approaches.

Dr. Gijs Elshout
Gijs Elshout, MD, PhD, is a general practitioner and employed as an assistant professor at the Department of General Practice at Erasmus MC. As head of student education of his department, he is responsible for all the educational programmes and internships for the medical students, as provided by his department.
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