Get a taste of the atmosphere at the Bachelor Open Day!

studenten in studiebanken
Alexander Santos Lima

The Bachelor Open Day is fast approaching, 15 October is already time to welcome prospective students, both online and on Campus Woudenstein. But what is involved in this kind of event? And what drives the organising team? Although she is busy with all the preparations, Kimberly Kruijsse spoke to us and gives an insight!

What does your role in the Events & Experience team look like?

''I am one of the student assistants/part-time staff at the Erasmus Ambassadors Office. From this role, I organise marketing events such as taster days and school visits of both Dutch high schools and international schools.

I also enjoy supporting corporate events such as the Opening of the Academic Year and the Dies Natalis whenever possible. Last but not least, in the past period I have of course been very busy with all kinds of executive tasks for the Bachelor Open Day on Saturday 15 October 2022. Here you can think of combining all the information sessions that are offered into a nice programme or drafting the e-mails for the visitors of the Bachelor Open Day.''

Kimberly Kruijsse

Why is it so great to work on all kinds of events?

''What I like best about collaborating on all the events is working with a wide range of different parties. One day, for example, we sit around the table with the various faculties who provide most of the information sessions at the open days, and then with the Channels & Systems team who know all about our new CRM system to make sure registrations run smoothly and the right emails are sent to the right people.

The next day, we brainstorm with the Content & Media team about the website and social media, work with Room & Facilities Bookings (RFB) on the script, liaise with the videographer and photographer and so on. All parties involved have their own expertise and work extremely hard to do their bit to ensure a fantastic event and overall experience.

At the end of the day, I also really enjoy seeing satisfied and enthusiastic visitors on the day of the event, whether it's 10 students at a walk-in day or more than 10,000 visitors later (an absolute record!) at the Bachelor Open Day.''

Is there an event you have organised in the past that you and your team are particularly proud of?

''We can be extra proud of the Bachelor Open Day on Saturday 30 October 2021! Together with all faculties and other parties, we managed to physically offer the Bachelor Open Day in a very uncertain time. This involved a lot of extra work and risk, as we had to work with multiple scenarios and there was uncertainty until very shortly before the event whether we could physically host the Bachelor Open Day due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this, the needs of the visitor, the study seeker, were always put first. Instead of thinking in problems, we thought in solutions: the Erasmian way!''

Get an impression of an EUR Bachelor Open Day:

Bachelor Open Dag 2019 aftermovie

Bachelor Open Dag 2019 aftermovie

What distinguishes EUR while organising open days?

''Erasmus University Rotterdam is the first university in the Netherlands to offer the Bachelor Open Day on this scale fully live hybrid. We very much welcome study-goers on campus, but they can also watch the sessions live from their own comfortable couch at home and ask all their questions via chat. With this, we are listening to the call of the target group, who want to embark on the search for their future education independent of time and location. This makes it possible for everyone to make a well-considered study choice.

Naturally, the hybrid provision of the sessions brings with it new challenges, but we will face these challenges together with our heads held high.''

''This is THE chance to meet lots of future Erasmians and soak up the atmosphere of the biggest event of the academic year!''

What should we absolutely not miss during this Bachelor Open Day?

''Besides the information sessions and the stands at the information market, there is much more to experience during the Bachelor Open Day! There is a cool graffiti container of Rotterdam Partners, food trucks with tasty snacks and Erasmus Sport organises fun clinics. The photobooth is also a favourite among many! There will also be bus tours through Rotterdam and campus tours.

As an EUR employee, you really can't miss this event. This is THE chance to meet many future Erasmusians and get a taste of the atmosphere at the biggest event of the academic year!''

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