The Gabry Vanderveen prize is a crowning glory for students and a tribute to Gabry

Vier criminologiestudenten met hun winnende poster en de Gabry Vanderveen prijs in handen

On Thursday 29 June, it was time for the annual symposium concluding the bachelor research carried out by third-year Criminology students. For six months, students conducted research on a criminological issue. During the graduation symposium, the students presented their findings and recommendations to employees of the municipality of Rotterdam. The group that conveyed its findings most visually through a poster presentation was awarded the Gabry Vanderveen prize: a prize created to remember Gabry Vanderveen in her work and as a person.

For six months, the criminology students researched a topic from Rotterdam’s security policy, such as sexually transgressive behaviour in nightlife or victimization of social media fraud. One research group researched the perception of refugees from various backgrounds and nationalities. These students investigated the image that people living in Rotterdam have of refugees and what the experiences of these refugees are with the city of Rotterdam. The presentation of this research named The bridge from them to us was voted best poster presentation and was awarded the Gabry Vanderveen prize for the first time this year.

Gabry Vanderveen prize

“The visual design of research results ties in nicely with the research interests of our beloved Gabry Vanderveen”, the Criminology department explains. To keep alive the warm and colourful memory Gabry left behind among students and (former) colleagues, the Criminology section and the study association Criminologie In Actie have decided to award the Gabry Vanderveen prize every year to the researcher with the most creative, enthusiastic and thought-provoking poster. “In this way, Gabry will be remembered every year, and all the beauty she brought to the study programme can also be passed on to future generations of students.”

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