Female students get together at EFR Women in Business seminar

Picture of Marjan van Loon, President Director of Shell Netherlands at the EFR Women in Business seminar
Erasmus School of Economics

‘A woman is like a tea bag; you will never realise how strong she is until you put her in hot water.’ With this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, Marjan van Loon, President Director of Shell Netherlands, ended her keynote speech at the opening of the EFR Women in Business seminar on Monday 28 February 2022.

With this event, the Economic Faculty association Rotterdam (EFR) aims to give female students at Erasmus University Rotterdam the tools they need to successfully start their careers.

The seminar provided the stage for female students to engage in conversations with representatives of participating companies. The event was officially opened with a plenary keynote speech by Marjan van Loon, President Director of Shell Netherlands, who has worked her way up in a male-dominated sector.

Hereafter, the students divided themselves into smaller rooms for interactive workshops. Deloitte gave a job application training course, providing participants with tools to successfully go through an application process, from CVs and cover letters to the job interview itself. OC&C gave a training with the theme 'empowering yourself in a professional setting'. Participants were learnt how to maximise their own qualities and opportunities. McKinsey gave a workshop about 'finding your strengths'. Participants gained insights about how to make the best choices based on their personality. Finally, Bain & Company hosted a MTBI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) training. Students got to work on their own communication preferences and the way they are most comfortable with others.

The day ended with a networking reception where all participants had the opportunity to talk with each other.

About EFR

With more than 6500 members EFR is one of the largest study associations in the Netherlands. Throughout the year EFR organises several events with different themes. This year EFR focuses on specific events about sustainability, inclusion and diversity. This academic year, EFR therefore already organised Generational Leadership in Action and Maskerclass.

More information

For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Media & Public Relations Officer at Erasmus School of Economics: rdegroot@ese.eur.nl, +31 6 53 641 846.

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