Today, almost 4000 first-year students of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) have started an extraordinary Eurekaweek. As a result of the corona measures, the freshers will attend a ‘blended’ programme to get to know the university, the city of Rotterdam and each other. During the live show, Deputy Mayor Bert Wijbenga wished all participants a fantastic week, and thanked the Eurekaweek Board for being able to host the week, despite all measures.
From 17 to 20 August 2020, the students will participate in all kinds of online and offline activities. They will each spend one day in the city with, among other things, an interactive game to get to know Rotterdam, a picnic in a small group in the park near the Euromast and an information market on-campus.
Rotterdam, the university and getting to know each other
The three online days take place at an interactive digital platform where you can come into contact with other students and you will find podcasts and all information about the city of Rotterdam, Erasmus University and your new student life. The Eurekaweek opened on the platform on Sunday evening 16 August with an online talk show in which, among others, Deputy Mayor Bert Wijbenga and Rector Rutger Engels were guests.
A good start
“I wish all participants a fantastic week”, Wijbenga said in the broadcast, “Thanks to the Eurekaweek Board, it is still possible to continue the week, so that all first-years may have a good start to their student life in Rotterdam.” Rutger Engels, Rector Magnificus of EUR, added a recommendation to all first-year students: “It’s a new part of your live, a really formative part of your life. You need to seek support if you feel that you need that. And peers are an amazing source of support, so go join study organisations. If you have issues, please come to us.”
Everything according to corona guidelines
All physical activities are organized according to the guidelines of RIVM. Furthermore, all participants are urged to adhere to the rules and thus avoid crowded places, give each other space and keep 1.5 meters distance. In addition, at all places where physical meetings are held, the crowds are monitored, and disinfection gel is made available.
Positive responses from participants
The continuously changing situation regarding COVID-19 requires a lot of creativity from the Eurekaweek Board. “It was a huge challenge, but every EUR student deserves a nice introduction week, even in these times. When I look around, I see many happy faces and I hear that participants are happy that something is being organised”, says Sander Doude van Troostwijk, chairman of the Eurekaweek board.
Eurekaweek 2020

- More information
Meral van Leeuewen, press officer EUR: 06-40264367.
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