The Eurekaweek will go on

Studenten tijdens de Eurekaweek

The cabinet has decided not to completely cancel introductory weeks but to give students at least an opportunity to make contacts in their university and the city in which they will be studying. The Executive Board is delighted with the cabinet's decision because first year students need this introductory week to be able to make a flying start. It is vital for their social contacts that physical activities can also be organised for new students.

"The organisation of Eurekaweek has prepared an online and a physical programme to introduce new students to our university and the city. I am extremely proud of the organisers of Eurekaweek because they have worked hard over the past few months to make this week a success. I have every confidence that the introductory week will be successful," says Rutger Engels, rector magnificus at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).  

Staying alert together 

Nevertheless, the number of COVID-19 infections continues to rise in Rotterdam. The Executive Board at EUR wants to impress upon all participants of Eurekaweek and all other students the importance of adhering to the RIVM guidelines. Avoid busy places, give each other space and stay 1.5 metres away from others. Even if you only have mild symptoms, make sure you get tested.  "We must continue to follow the instructions of the government and local authorities and keep to the rules. Many of you are already doing this. Together we can ensure that COVID-19 infections are kept under control and that Eurekaweek is a success," says Rutger Engels.

Eurekaweek activities

The current COVID-19 situation demands creativity from the Eurekaweek board. However, they are confident that they have organised another unforgettable Eurekaweek. "It has definitely been a challenge this year, but every student at EUR deserves a Eurekaweek. So, the week will go ahead," according to Sander Doude van Troostwijk, president of the Eurekaweek committee. With a new structure and online and offline activities, small supervised groups will get to know the city and EUR. Each participant follows a programme which includes one day in Rotterdam. During this day, there are activities on campus, a picnic and they will be introduced to the city through a game. This will be spread over four days, so a quarter of the participants will be in Rotterdam on each day. The other three days of Eurekaweek are online. The online activities will include a daily chat show, podcasts and group activities in which participants get to know each other.

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