As many as 4,600 participants and 600 volunteers attended the official opening of Eurekaweek 2023 in Ahoy Rotterdam on Monday morning 21 August. A record number of first-year students are participating and the introduction week is sold out for the first time this year. Extra attention is being paid to the welfare of all these new Rotterdam students. Specially trained 'student hosts' will be present at the various activities to support the students during this special and intensive week.

The theme of Eurekaweek is 'One of a kind' and the programme focuses on inclusion. Not just parties and student associations, but also arts, culture, sports and games. Traditional elements such as Campus Day and the Cantus in Ahoy are also on the programme.
A safe environment and student hosts
For the first time, 'student hosts' will also be present at all activities to offer a listening ear to students who, for example, feel overwhelmed or have had to deal with cross-border behaviour. "This way, we lower the threshold to step up to someone if you are struggling with something. They also know who to turn to if you need extra support," Veerle Petersen, chairman of the Eurekaweek organisation told AD Rotterdam.

In her speech, Rector Magnificus Annelien Bredenoord pointed to the recently launched Safe@EUR central contact point where students can go even after the introduction week if they have experienced an unsafe or unpleasant situation. "In addition to taking care of ourselves, we also strive to take care of our planet. Sustainability is key priority," Bredenoord said in her speech. Every edition of Eurekaweek is a more sustainable edition. New in 2023 is the hard cup system, in which the prize money from the EUR Sustainability Award 2022 has been invested.
22nd Lustrum
Eurekaweek is the first event of the university's 22nd lustrum year, in which we celebrate our 110th anniversary. The lustrum year, with the theme 'Making Minds Matter', will officially start during the Opening Academic Year on Monday 4 September in the Laurenskerk in Rotterdam. View the entire lustrum programme here.
Take a look at the photos of the Eurekaweek 2023

- More information
Read the article AD Rotterdam wrote about the Eurekaweek 2023 (in Dutch).
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