Eveline Crone appointed member of the American National Academy of Sciences

Foto van Eveline Crone
Foto van Eveline Crone
Alexander Santos Lima

Prof. Dr. Eveline Crone, professor of Developmental Neuroscience in Society at the ESSB and lead researcher of the SYNC lab, has been appointed an international member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). This organization advises politicians and policymakers on social issues. President Abraham Lincoln founded the NAS in 1863.

This independent, non-profit organization involves approximately 2,600 American and 537 international leading scientists. Including approximately 190 Nobel Prize winners. The members are elected by peers for exceptional research contributions. Crone is one of 24 new international members.

Reason for the appointment

'It is a great honour to be elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences, very special,' Crone responds enthusiastically. 'I was in the United States on a road trip with my daughter when I suddenly received a phone call asking if I could join a video meeting. There were already about 20 people in this meeting. And then I thought: I think this is very special.'

Crone suspects that she was appointed not only because of her scientific work but also because of her position at The European Research Council. The ERC is an organization that promotes scientific research in Europe by financing excellent scientists. Crone has been vice president for the social sciences and humanities domain for the past four years. This is an evident position in which you have a lot of influence on the scientific landscape. 'I hope my scientific work forms the basis for this appointment'.

Section Psychological and Cognitive Sciences

The NAS is committed to advancing science in America, advising politicians in the United States on issues where scientific insights are essential and conducting independent studies. Its members are divided into 31 disciplinary sections. Crone joins the section of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences.

Crone is one of the two new Dutch members. The other elected member is professor of virology Marion Koopmans. She is also affiliated with Erasmus University. 'This makes it extra fun for me. It is very special to experience this together.'


More information

Britt van Sloun, coordination of editorial and communication activities ESSB, vansloun@essb.eur.nl

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