EUR at launch of 'Student Pride NL' foundation

This week it's Rotterdam Pride! That is why Minister Van Engelshoven of Education, Culture and Science is launching the 'Student Pride NL' foundation on 27 September during CONFAB 2019, a conference on sexual and gender diversity. The aim of the foundation is to stimulate a safe climate at colleges, universities and internships with a view to sexual and gender diversity, so that all students can feel free and accept themselves and others.

The official baptism of the new foundation will be done by the Minister, together with Rector Magnificus Rutger Engels of the Erasmus University and chairmen of the boards of the universities of applied sciences in Rotterdam. Frederick Ntow of the Erasmus University will also be present to talk about the Diversity & Inclusion Office. He does this together with students of the Erasmus Pride.

Student Pride NL wants to involve the entire student population in the theme of sexual and gender diversity. She will give substance to this by organising an annual event and various smaller events throughout the year, varying from symposia, panels and film screenings to job fairs and networking events.

The foundation was founded by Chantal van der Putten, Gunnar Boer and Erwin van Braam. "We don't want to reinvent the wheel per city over and over again and believe that a national partnership can be of great benefit. During our visit to National Student Pride in London, we saw that this event is supported by all educational institutions and the business community", says Chantal van der Putten. "That inspired us to set up Student Pride NL." Source: National Education Guide.

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