EUR invests in career coaching for greater job satisfaction and self-direction

Campus Woudestein, Erasmus Building

Employees of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) can follow free career coaching. By doing so, the university wants employees to enjoy their work more and develop further. Career coaches Nanette Compeer and Nicole van Dijk help employees take charge of their own careers.

Nanette Compeer en Nicole van Dijk poserend op de campus.

Nanette and Nicole work at EUR's Learning & Career Centre (LCC). They mentor employees for three to six months, allowing enough time to build a relationship of trust. 'We see that employees make strides and get more satisfaction from their work as a result,' Nanette says.

The coaching is practical and active. Employees do exercises such as working with floor anchors or sessions in nature. This helps to get new ideas and insights. EUR continues to improve career counselling to ensure high quality.

'Development is important for the sustainable employability of our staff,' says Nicole. 'This allows them to grow in their work, inside or outside the university.'

More information

Read the full article on the SoFoKleS website.

You can read more about how Erasmus University Rotterdam encourages its employees to keep learning & developing here.

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