ESB launches dossier on the future of energy in the Netherlands together with Erasmus Centre for Energy Transition

The energy market is undergoing a major transformation. In order to explain the impact of these changes and to provide direction for future policy, the Dutch economics journal ESB is developing a special dossier in collaboration with the Erasmus Centre for Energy Transition and Ronald Huisman, Professor of Sustainable Energy Finance at Erasmus School of Economics: New Energy.

Challenges in the energy market

The Netherlands is increasingly experiencing periods of extreme price volatility on the energy market. At times of abundant solar and wind energy, prices can even become negative, while in periods with little sustainable generation – the so-called dunkelflaute – prices rise sharply. The electricity grid is also under pressure: grid operators are forced to suspend new connections, which has consequences for companies and the sustainability of the economy. In addition, government policy is creating uncertainty. The phasing out of the net metering scheme and subsidies for heat pumps, in combination with political interference in the market, can delay investments. Professor Ronald Huisman: ‘The energy transition therefore requires innovative solutions and clear regulations, for example in the field of energy storage and grid congestion.’

The role of the Erasmus Centre for Energy Transition

The Erasmus Centre for Energy Transition (ECET) is a knowledge and innovation centre affiliated with Erasmus University Rotterdam. ECET focuses on accelerating the energy transition through education and academic research, policy analyses and collaboration with companies and governments. By combining expertise from economics, business administration and social sciences, ECET contributes to solutions that are both technically feasible and economically sustainable. ECET Director Malou Kroezen is pleased with the collaboration with ESB: ‘The ESB dossier New Energy that will be published this autumn contributes to a well-informed debate on the energy market and future policy. The dossier will not only provide insight, but also serve as a reference point for policymakers, companies and researchers.’

About ESB

ESB (Economisch Statistische Berichten) is a renowned prominent platform for economists in the Netherlands, that focuses on economic analyses and policy discussions. The Dutch journal is known for its independent and in-depth analyses and is widely read by decision-makers in The Hague, financial experts and researchers. ESB is an important reference point in economic debates and contributes to policy formation through substantiated arguments and critical reflections.

Ronald Huisman, Professor of Sustainable Energy Finance at Erasmus School of Economics
More information

For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Media and Public Relations Officer at Erasmus School of Economics, or +31 6 53 641 846.

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