The 2015 National Student Survey results show that Erasmus University students feel that studying in Rotterdam really helps them prepare for their future careers. According to the survey, students consider that they acquire practical skills and often come into contact with professionals and future employers during their study programme. The results of this annual survey held among students in the Netherlands were published today by Studiekeuze 123.
Students at Erasmus University are happy with their academic environment: they like the campus, student life and student housing in the city. They are also positive about the practical aspects of their study programmes, as well as the degree of work pressure and provision of information during the programme.
However, it goes without saying that the Rotterdam students are critical as well and they see room for improvement on various points, such as the number of computers available for them to work on and the study facilities in the University Library.
Erasmus University anticipates that a number of factors will ensure that student satisfaction improves in this respect, including the multifunctional education Polak Building which will be opened in September. And although students consider the lecturers to be competent, they would nevertheless appreciate a greater degree of individual counselling. This need was also expressed in their wish for smaller groups during lectures.
Make it happen
Erasmus University sets great store by student satisfaction, and the National Student Survey is a major resource in this connection. The survey results tell us what students are happy with, as well as what points Erasmus University could improve further on.
NSS method
The annual National Student Survey provides students at all universities in the Netherlands with an opportunity to give their views on important educational issues such as the content and quality of the programmes, preparation for a career, student counselling and facilities. Students can award a score of 1 to 5 for each question.
Summary of the results
More than 6,000 Rotterdam students took part in the survey, and the National Student Survey Factsheet (<media 2113999>PDF file</media>) gives a transparent summary of the results for Erasmus University Rotterdam.
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