Discover, experiment and investigate during Science Weekend

Weekend van de Wetenschap - nemo Science Tour 2023
Children play a game on the ground accompanied by an adult during Weekend of Science.

For the second time, Erasmus University Rotterdam will open its doors for Science Weekend. After a successful inaugural event last year, children aged between 8 and 14 will once again be welcomed to the Woudestein campus on Sunday 6 October. Here, they can learn, discover and experiment in the fascinating world of science and technology.

Organiser Eloïse Swets says the organisation is looking forward to building on the success of last year’s inaugural event, which welcomed 1,000 children and their parents. “Rowan Huijgen (co-organiser – ed.) and I saw so many happy children’s faces on campus last year. It was just brilliant.”

Last year, Sebastian (8) most enjoyed the workshop on fake news: “You were allowed to create fake followers and trick people.” He even gave a talk about it at his school. According to their father, Ernst, Sebastian and his twin brother Lucas are really looking forward to Science Weekend 2024. “They’re so curious about what you can learn and do at university. As an adult, you underestimate how much of an impression it makes, but what children learn and experience during a festival like this really sticks.”

Children put together a puzzle based on AI.

Sustainable cooking

Eloise says, “This year we have even more options on offer, spread over multiple rounds. So we can welcome even more people, plus I think the workshops will be even more fun than last year.”

One of the new workshops is cooking in the Erasmus Foodlab. During this workshop, children will have a go at sustainable cooking, and find out how science is involved. Another new addition to the workshop lineup is making a podcast in the studio on campus. Children can learn what making a podcast has to do with science.

Science Weekend is an initiative from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The event is organised every year in a variety of locations across the Netherlands to give everyone, young and old, an accessible insight into the world of science and technology.

Child wearing VR glasses gets instructions from a scientist during Weekend of Science.

Something for everyone

“There are all kinds of fun new things to experience this year”, says Eloïse with enthusiasm. Philosophising about the future, re-enacting a court case and examining your own blood. Eloïse worked with the university’s scientists to make sure the programme has something for everyone.

Enthusiastic scientists

Eloïse says that the university’s scientists are looking forward to seeing children on campus. “Of course, they had a taste of this during Meet the Professor (an event where professors visited various primary schools – ed.), and we find that they really enjoy introducing this target group to science, and getting the children excited about their field.”

Curious about the full programme for Science Weekend? Let us know soon if you’re coming. This year, there are several rounds of workshops. Some workshops have a limited number of places. If you register for Science Weekend through the website, you’ll receive a link on 30 September that will allow you to register for individual workshops. “If you register after 30 September, some workshops may already be full. So don’t wait too long to register”, advises Eloïse.

More information

Always wanted to step into the shoes of a scientist? You can! Meet real scientists or do your own experiments! Explore the campus as a real scientist sleuth in the EUR scavenger hunt. Read more about Weekend of Science

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