D&I Office becomes IDEA Center

As of 1 January 2023, Diversity & Inclusion is no longer a temporary program at Erasmus University Rotterdam. The D&I Office will have a new name to match its structural character: IDEA Center, where IDEA stands for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access.

Professor Semiha Denktaş - Chief Diversity Officer: "We are very proud of all that has been initiated and achieved within our organization since 2015 when the EUR started with diversity and inclusion. We have done this together. With a team of passionate professionals in the field of diversity and inclusion. With the Executive Board, the deans and the faculties. With the directors and departments. With teachers and students. With many colleagues from all levels of the organization. And, of course, with the Faculty Diversity Officers, who work as ambassadors for an inclusive university. Here at our university, it is no longer a question of whether we will engage in diversity and inclusion, but how we do it. That's a great thing."

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access

The new name add two terms to diversity and inclusion: equity and access. The term equity is closely related to equality. Equality means that each individual or group of people has the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates exactly those resources and opportunities necessary to achieve an equal outcome.

Access refers to giving everyone equitable access to education, regardless of (physical) ability, skills, background and experience. We will increase our commitment to removing barriers to equitable opportunity, both on the way to university and at the university itself.

Our goal is to be an inclusive place for work and study, where everyone can participate, where diversity is valued, and where there is equitable access.

The IDEA Center is located in the Erasmus Building (AB-47). Learn more about IDEA Center projects and activities at www.eur.nl/idea.

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