Comenius grant: submit your Letter of Intent before September 7th

Do you have (or plan) an educational innovation project or have you been inspired to develop your innovation further that could use additional financing? Please note that you have to submit your Letter of Intent for a Comenius grant before September 7th. NRO's Comenius program enables teachers to put their vision on education into practice.

The Comenius programme targets both campus-based and remote learning. At the start of July, education professionals can submit their ideas for innovative projects in any of the following themes: 

  • Theme 1: Studying together at the hybrid campus

  •  Theme 2: Giving the student control over flexible education

  •  Theme 3: Transdisciplinary collaboration

  •  Theme 4: Open theme – The entire breadth of Fit for the future

You can apply for a Senior Fellowship (one submission per school) and a Teaching Fellowship (unlimited). The EUR does have the opportunity to apply for a Leadership Fellow (one submission per institute). The Leadership Fellow projects are not submitted within a specific theme. They must give an impulse to the educational ambitions of the university (of applied sciences) as formulated in the strategic (education) plan of the relevant institution.

If you want to apply for a Leadership Fellow, please contact the Community for learning & Innovation via on 2 July at the latest. The Executive Board of the EUR will then form a jury and decide on the candidate on 16 July at the latest. To support you with your application, the NRO will organise online information meetings and writing sessions. The dates of this will be announced. You can also contact the Community for Learning & Innovation for didactic support and advice on the design of your educational research. Register for this via

You can find more information about the themes here.

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