Anne Gielen takes part in award-winning Healthy Start Sprint project

Erasmus School of Economics

The Healthy Start Sprint project in which Anne Gielen, Professor of Labour Economics and Policy at Erasmus School of Economics, partakes is called: “Health, economic, and equity impact of early-life interventions in the Netherlands”. The project is one of ten projects that has been awarded by the Healthy Starters Fund.

Professor Gielen is member of the interdisciplinary team that includes academics of Convergence partners Erasmus MC and TU Delft, and external partners Tilburg University and University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam.

Improving long-term health, opportunity, and equity

Besides Anne Gielen the transdisciplinary consortium consists of Kees Ahaus (Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management), Anna Custers (University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam), Marike Knoef (Tilburg University), Eric Steegers (Erasmus MC) and main applicant Jasper Been (Erasmus MC). Given that early-life interventions carry the largest potential for improving long-term health, opportunity, and equity, Gielen and her colleagues will focus on identification and impact assessment of existing early-life interventions, development and testing of novel interventions, and development of an overall impact assessment model.

About the Healthy Start Sprint projects

The Healthy Start Sprint projects are short term high impact projects, financed by the Healthy Starters Fund. The funded projects foster societal impact or educational innovation related to the six Healthy Start ambitions. All academic staff members of Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus MC and TU Delft can submit a proposal. The project should be interdisciplinary, and therefore involve at least two researchers from at least two Convergence partners and at least one external partner as co-applicant.

More information

For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Media & Public Relations Officer at Erasmus School of Economics:, +31 6 53 641 846.

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