Alumna Antoinette Oudshoorn appointed director Convergence

Skyline van Rotterdam, kijkend op de Erasmusbrug.
Drie mensen in gesprek tijdens de Master Open Dag.

Alumna Anotoinette Oudshoorn started as director of Convergence on 1 June 2024. Convergence is a collaboration between TU Delft, Erasmus MC and Erasmus University Rotterdam. The goal of this cooperation is to solve complex societal problems.

Antoinette has extensive experience in both science and management.She studied law at the University of Amsterdam and obtained her PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam on cross-border bank seizure. 

As director, Antoinette works to build a stronger foundation for the organisation. In addition, Antoinette looks for new opportunities for cooperation, both within and outside the institutions.

More about her and about Convergence can be found on the Convergence website.

More information

Read the full post here.

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