Admission and assessment policy versus academic performance and well-being

CLI Fellowship of Andrea Woltman
Andrea Woltman

The Community for Learning & Innovation (CLI) gives lecturers from Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) the opportunity to apply for a fellowship. With this fellowship, they research educational innovation, or carry out an educational project.
On this page you can read more about the CLI Fellowship by Andrea Woltman (Erasmus MC) on admission and assessment policy versus academic performance and well-being of students.

Medical schools are challenged to create academic environments that stimulate students to maintain satisfactory progress, while maintaining their health. Many universities use an academic dismissal policy to promote student performance. Evidence that this measure indeed promotes study progress is scarce; it appears to be dependent on the student population and -demonstrated in our pilot study-increases the feeling of stress in a subpopulation of students. Additionally, medical schools’ admission policies may influence the characteristics of their student population. Whether admission policies influence the extent to which the student population can meet higher performance requirements without reducing their well-being, is not known.

The fellowship project focused on the effect of admission and assessment (BSa) policies on student performance and psychological and biological stress in medical students, and the possible differences for different subgroups. Student characteristics and factors of selection and BSa policies that correlate with academic outcome and student well-being are identified.


Find the final product of the fellowship below. Please note that it is in Dutch.

dr. Andrea Woltman
More information

Andrea Woltman studied Biomedical Sciences (cum laude) and also received her PhD cum laude at the University of Leiden. She lead a research group within the Erasmus MC for 12 years, published many immunological research papers and received several prestigious research grants, awards and honors rewarding her scientific research and her qualities as educator of young scientists. Currently, she is associate professor and Director of the Bachelor Medicine (Erasmus MC) and completely focusses on education. She performs educational research and is chair of the Advisory Board of the institute of Medical Education Research Rotterdam (iMERR–Erasmus MC). 

She is especially interested in student selection, student performance and student well-being. As a former chair and member of the Young Erasmus Academy, she committed herself to strengthen interdisciplinary research within the EUR. Not surprisingly, she currently performs research in a multidisciplinary team combining sociology, psychology, and biomedical and educational sciences.

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