Serious misconduct regularly occurs at reception centres and in foster care settings for unaccompanied minor refugees, according to an investigation by the BNNVARA programme Zembla. In the programme, former staff members of guardianship organisation Nidos sound the alarm. Abdessamad Bouabid, Assistant Professor of Criminology at Erasmus School of Law, discusses his research findings on violence in government reception facilities for unaccompanied minor foreigners.
In the Zembla episode ‘Gevlucht en verwaarloosd' (Fled and Neglected), broadcast on 16 March, several experts highlight the problematic situation in the reception system for minor refugees. These children and adolescents are placed in foster families, where they frequently face neglect, abuse, or other unsafe conditions. In addition, many children without residence permits are housed in makeshift reception locations with minimal supervision, such as remote hotels, where in some cases criminal activities have been reported.
Stichting Nidos holds guardianship over these children and, according to Zembla, bears responsibility for their care and upbringing. The foundation is funded by the Ministry of Asylum and Migration.
Violence in the reception system for unaccompanied minors known since 2019
These problems are not new, Bouabid confirms when asked about his findings during the broadcast. In 2019, together with project leader and Professor of Criminology Richard Staring, he published a study on incidents of violence in state-run shelters for unaccompanied minor refugees during the period 1990–2018. The study was part of the De Winter Commission, which was established at the request of the Dutch government to investigate violence in youth care since 1945, with the aim of preventing such violence in the future.
Reflecting on the violence documented in his research, Bouabid states in Zembla: “We observed numerous forms of violence. Two categories in particular stood out. First, physical violence between residents – everyday conflicts, disagreements, and tensions that arise when people live together in a confined space. These situations may escalate into fights involving several young people. Secondly, we observed acts of self-harm, including young refugees injuring themselves, going on hunger strike, or, in extreme cases, attempting suicide.”
Root causes of the persistent problems
In response to Zembla, spokespersons for Stichting Nidos acknowledged that “the pressure has been exceptionally high due to the increased influx [of minor refugees], but the situation is now under control.” Bouabid identifies Dutch migration policy as a key driver behind both the organisational pressure and the occurrence of violence: “The Netherlands applies a strict migration regime that results in long waiting times. This generates stress, tension, and uncertainty. It’s a collective experience – you are not the only one in the asylum procedure, not the only one waiting for family reunification. These circumstances create fertile ground for frustration and tension.”
Investigation by the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate
In an official response to Zembla, Stichting Nidos acknowledged that pressure on foster care placements has led, in some cases, to minors being placed in unsuitable families. However, the organisation emphasised that the safety of young people has always been a top priority.
The Dutch Health and Youth Care Inspectorate has called the findings of Zembla concerning and has initiated a formal investigation into Nidos.
- Assistant professor
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View the Zembla episode 'Gevlucht en verwaarloosd' (Dutch).
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