110 years in 010: premiere of documentary on Erasmus University Rotterdam

A cinema filled with people watching the lustrum documentary '110 jaar in 010'.
EUR employees are chatting in the cinema during the premiere of '110 jaar in 010'.
Alexander Santos Lima

The red carpet of cinema LantarenVenster was rolled out to welcome guests for the premiere of '110 years in 010', a documentary about Erasmus University Rotterdam. On the occasion of our 22nd lustrum, several students, current and former staff, alumni and others were interviewed about our university over the past year. 

Speakers not only include Rotterdam mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb, Spinoza Prize winner Thea Hilhorst and Nobel Prize winner Guido Imbens, but also student Aisha Adhamova who beautifully articulates what Erasmus University Rotterdam means to her: "a first step into a successful future".

Erasmus University Rotterdam once began as a university with a focus on economics, and in recent years is in the process of transitioning into a university with a social heart. All research and teaching should contribute to society. That is the guiding principle throughout the documentary.

Three men who worked on the lustrum documentary '110 jaar in 010' pose in the cinema.
Alexander Santos Lima

Ode with a critical note

'This is where the future begins, welcome to Erasmus University Rotterdam.' With these words, a voice-over takes the viewer into the story. It is an ode to our university, with a critical note. A world opens up to you when you come here to study, to our research that ultimately changes the world: all kinds of facets of studying, working and living at our university are covered.

From Desiderius to 'vEURliefd'

From Eurekaweek through the Dies Natalis and Meet the Professor to the HeartBeat Festival. The documentary takes you through our university's 110th anniversary year and tells stories about its history.

A full cinema at the premiere of '110 jaar in 010'.
Alexander Santos Lima

Some of the topics: Ronald van Raak talks about what we can still learn from the thinker Erasmus, educational innovation at Erasmus X in the HefHouse in Rotterdam-Zuid, former staff member Cora Boele talks about the university’s origins, René Bakker's research into entrepreneurship for people with a disability or how the love between staff members Tilly and Jan blossomed at the university's birthday party.

No Rotterdam without Erasmus

An important topic is the relationship between university and city. 'Rotterdam derives its identity from three things: the river Maas, Feyenoord and Erasmus University', said Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb. Although the mayor has seen the student population change during his term in office, he does say 'more than 50 per cent of this city is made up of ethnic minorities, but the university is yet to reflect that reality. There is room for improvement.' 

Annelien Bredenoord, Ed Brinksma and Ellen Verschoor are sitting in the front row of the cinema at the premiere of '110 jaar in 010'.
Alexander Santos Lima

The privilege of studying here

That diversity is also something that Rector Magnificus and incoming President of Erasmus University Rotterdam Annelien Bredenoord is passionate about. In addition, she wants to impart the following to students: 'Realise this: I have the privilege of studying here, having fun going into the city and doing other fun things, but at the end of the day, what is my contribution to society?'

Cradle of a brilliant student

Guido Imbens talks about the inspiration he got from the subject 'Mathematics of Operations Research' by Alexander Rinnooy Kan, emeritus professor and former Rector Magnificus of the EUR, with whom he still keeps in touch today. Rinnooy Kan is honoured by this praise and says in the documentary: 'He was undoubtedly one of the most brilliant students Rotterdam ever had.'

The documentary was made as part of Erasmus University Rotterdam's 110th anniversary and 22nd lustrum. Staff from our university collaborated with Het Haags Productiebedrijf in making the documentary. You can watch the documentary on YouTube and also on RTV Rijnmond on 3 August 2024.

Student is being interviewed in front of a camera for the lustrum documentary '110 jaar in 010'.

Lustrum documentary '110 jaar in 010'

More information

The lustrum year of EUR runs from the summer of 2023 to the end of the academic year in the summer of 2024. Various activities around the lustrum will take place in the near future. View all activities and more on the lustrum page.

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