A pro-Palestine demonstration has been going on at Woudestein campus since Thursday, 30 May. We can imagine that many students and staff have questions about the situation on campus Woudestein. To avoid misunderstandings, this page contains the most up-to-date answers to frequently asked questions.
For the latest updates on the situation, please visit our liveblog.
Last update: Friday, 7 June 2024; 11:00
Frequently asked questions:
Together with the other Dutch universities, a guideline for protests was recently drawn up. In addition, the house rules of Erasmus University Rotterdam apply. You can read more about this on MyEUR.
At the beginning of the demonstration on Thursday afternoon, 30 May, an e-mail was sent to the EUR with five demands: an academic boycott of Israeli academic institutions and companies, transparency on ties with non-academic organisations profiting from or operating on stolen Palestinian land, divestment of finances in this area, declaring unconditional solidarity with Palestinian academics, students and staff by calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and supporting Palestinian students materially and academically, and no police violence.
The Executive Board has invited representatives from the protesters to join them at the table to engage in conversation, without face coverings and after identification to ensure that these discussions are being held with EUR student protest representatives. On June 5, the Executive Board spoke with representatives of the protesters on the campus of Erasmus University Rotterdam. No statements are made about the content of the conversation, but the Executive Board says that it was an open and respectful conversation. After six days, it is good to have taken this step, also for any follow-up talks.
The Executive Board is open and willing to discuss the situation in Gaza and ties with Israeli institutions under the above conditions.
Campus Woudestein
All buildings on campus Woudestein are open with some restrictions. Parking is only available in the Erasmus Plaza car park. Sanders Building, Erasmus Building and Mandeville Building are also accessible via one entrance on presentation of student or employee card.
At the moment, there is no reason to close buildings or cancel events. Should the situation change, we will communicate this. Keep an eye on the liveblog for the latest updates.
Do you see an abnormal or unsafe situation? If so, always report it to Campus Security, call: +3110 408 1100.
You can contact Safe@EUR. The specially trained case managers can help you further - anonymously or not.
All information and updates regarding demonstrations on campus Woudestein can be found in our liveblog.