'Targeted' books available once again at the Erasmus University Library

A student studies the backs of the many books on the shelves of the Leeskabinet, seen from a bird's eye view

Each year, the American Library Association releases a top 10 list of the most targeted books. It contains the books libraries have recorded the most complaints about, in many cases nowadays because of topics such as anti-racism or LGBTQIA+ themes.

Just like last year, the Erasmus University Library has collected the books that were the most controversial in the past year: they are now available for loan. View this online exhibition of the ‘controversial’ works and read why they were targeted.

In a polarized political climate, librarians in the United States are increasingly being threatened. During Banned Books Week, October 1 -7, publishers, libraries, book sellers and readers celebrate the freedom to read. Emphasis is on the freedom to seek and express ideas, including those some consider unpopular or unorthodox. 

The University Library welcomes acquisition suggestions, please fill in the form on our website.

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