After positive reactions to the trial earlier this year, the University Library decided to extend the Sage Research Methods Online (SRMO) license with the Cases module. This module contains hundreds of examples of how real research projects were conducted.
They explain why the researchers chose the methods they did, how they overcame problems in their research and what they might have done differently with hindsight. Realities of research that you can't get from journal articles and textbooks.
Cases are peer-reviewed and come with pedagogical tools including learning objectives and discussions questions. They can be used as a teaching tool to demonstrate a particular method and how it is applied in real research, or as inspiration to students who are preparing for their own research project.
There are several options for browsing, via:
• method (like case studies, data collection, ethnography, focus groups, fieldwork, grounded theory, narratives, systematic review);
• discipline (from anthropology and business & management to sociology and technology);
• academic level (from bachelor to postgraduate).
Go to the A-Z databases list or directly to SRMO Cases.
- More information
Questions? Please contact Gusta Drenthe (Faculty Liaison Social Sciences, Health Policy and Management).