Books on diversity, inclusion, and social justice: spring edition

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Every season the Library showcases print books, e-books, and other materials on diversity, inclusion, and social justice in a reading list. Check them out now!

Observing International Women’s Day on 8 March, this season we showcase books by women about women. This reading list contains work of influential academics and other thinkers, and a short biography. The women in the reading list are: Nobel Prize winner Svetlana Alexievich, philosopher Judith Butler, Nobel Prize winner Wangarĩ Muta Maathai, judge at the European Court of Justice Sacha Prechal, economist Kate Raworth, and billionaire Sheryl Sandberg.

Find the complete reading list with links to the titles in our collection here. You can find more e-books and print books in our collection in sEURch.

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