This September the Library’s tea sessions for PhD candidates of the EGSH will return. Every third Wednesday of the month you can join an online session on information, data, and publishing related topics. The Library will show you useful tools and tips to support your PhD journey, and answer your questions.
Join us on Wednesday 15 September, 15:00-16:00 for the kick-off session of the new series. We will present the Erasmus Data RepositoryOpens external (EDR), where researchers can place data underlying a publication. By sharing your research output in this way others can easily cite your data, reuse it in similar research or can verify or replicate the results. It is an essential part of the Open Science movement! Join our tea session to learn more about the EDR and:
- Open Science and the Data Lifecycle
- The process of placing output in the EDR
- The advantages of the EDR
- Tips and tricks to prepare your data for sharing.
More information on September’s session can be found hereOpens external, or check out the complete tea session calendarOpens external for more information on future sessions.
The Library’s tea sessions do not require registration. Simply join us in Teams by clicking this link when the session starts: external
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