1-year extensive access to SAGE eBook-collections

In 2025, EUR provides access to thousands of additional e-books from SAGE relevant to the Social Sciences & Humanities, such as Economics, Media & Cultural Studies, Sociology, Psychology and more.

These collections have been added to sEURch and you will find these titles among your search results.

You can also directly explore the collections from the SAGE Knowledge platform

This 1-year access is provided under an Evidence Based Acquisition (EBA)-agreement: the entire EUR has access to the collections for 12 months and, after this period, may select a number of e-books for permanent acquisition into the library collection. The books not selected will no longer be accessible after those 12 months. 

Are you a lecturer/professor and do you use an e-book from these collections for your course? Please let your Faculty Liaison know, to make sure the book will remain accessible after the pilot.

More information

For more information, please contact a faculty liaison through our general contact form 

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